Green’s Dictionary of Slang

San Quentin adj.

Proper name in slang uses

In compounds

San Quentin briefcase (n.) [the suggestion that those who carry such pieces of equipment are, de facto, criminals; accentuated by the racist stereotyping of the original users, young black men]

(US) a large, portable tape-recorder-cum-radio.

[US]S. Morgan Homeboy 18: He cranked up his San Quentin briefcase, reawaking its raging rhymes.
San Quentin cross (n.) [cross n.1 (3)]

(US prison) blackmail of one inmate by another, who desires homosexual favours.

[US]E. Bunker Animal Factory 95: There’s also the San Quentin cross. . . First you get a friend. He doesn’t make advances. Then you get pressure from somewhere else, maybe a gang. They want to start trouble with you so you think you’ve got a violent situation. You can’t come to [the authorities], you think, so you go to your friend and he comes in like a knight in shining armour. . . Now he puts it to you – drop your drawers or he’ll throw you to the gang.
San Quentin quail (n.) (also Quentin Quail, San Quentin, Sing Sing Quail) [quail n. (3); the illegality of sex with such a girl]

(US) a girl still under the age of consent who sleeps with an older man.

[US] ‘Hotel Sl.’ in AS XIV:3 Oct. 240/2: san quentin quail Girl below the age of consent.
[US]C. Himes ‘Make with the Shape’ in Coll. Stories (1990) 113: Lulu was not bird liver by any stretch of the imagination, nor even San Quentin Quail.
[US]‘Curt Cannon’ ‘Deadlier Than the Mail’ in I Like ’Em Tough (1958) 133: [I’m] nineteen, if you’re worried about Quentin Quail.
[US]Trimble 5000 Adult Sex Words and Phrases.
[US]C. Himes ‘Baby Sister’ [screenplay] in Black on Black 12: This is BABY SISTER, Sing Sing quail, a lecher’s dream, enough to make a preacher lay his Bible down.
[US]L. Dills CB Slanguage 93: San Quentin: desirable girl under the legal age of consent.
San Quentin strawberries (n.)

(US prison) beans.

[US] (ref. to 1919) G. Duffy Warden’s Wife 98: In 1919, people spoke about ‘San Quentin strawberries’ – beans ladled out of big buckets on to tin plates.