Green’s Dictionary of Slang

delulu n.2

one who is considered delusional, holding unrealistic or overly idealistic beliefs or fantasies esp. in the context of (hoped-for) relationships and celebrities whom one worships; thus phr. being delulu is the solulu.

Urban Dict. 🌐 delulu A delusional fan girl/boy who believes they can/will end up with their favourite idol or celebrity and invest an unhealthy amount of time and energy into said idol.
Medium 15 Sept. 🌐 ‘[D]elulu’ came into English from the Korean Pop Music (K-Pop) community around 2014 to desribe a K-Pop fan who has parasocial delusions that they would eventually develop a meaningful relationship with their K-Pop idol.
Indep. (London) 21 Oct. 🌐 ‘It was like I had been living in a false version of events [...] I was fucking “delulu” as the kids say [...] “Being delulu is the solulu”’.