Green’s Dictionary of Slang

crickets n.

[ the image of a silence so pervasive that one can hear the crickets chirping; for development, see]

nothing, silence; thus go crickets, to stop talking.

NBC 24 Aug. [TV interview] I just want to point out, behind you there's a crazy crowd of people waving, and I can't help but remember yesterday when Blake Shelton was here and he looked out the window, and sure enough it was crickets. There was nobody standing outside.
[US]F. Bill Back to the Dirt 23: Kimball went crickets as they walked toward the diminutive home.
Bluesky 25 Feb. 🌐 If Biden had called his wife Jill ‘Joan,’ how much ink would we see about how he’s old, senile + losing it? Yet The Other Guy ... crickets.