Green’s Dictionary of Slang

plates and dishes n.

[rhy. sl.]

1. kisses.

[UK]‘P.P.’ Rhy. Sl.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 41: In other instances, the speaker may go so far as to articulate the rhyme word, e.g., [...] plates and dishes, kisses.

2. the wife [= missis n.].

[UK]J. Franklyn Dict. of Rhy. Sl.
[UK]S.T. Kendall Up the Frog 17: I gets an Aristotle of In-and-out for the plates and dishes, picks up the cherry ’og an’ orf we Scarpa Flow.
[UK]P. Wright Cockney Dialect and Sl. 104: plates an’ dishes ‘misses’.