fart...!, a excl.
a dismissive excl., usu. as a fart for...!
Gentleness and Nobility line 419: Straw for thi councell, torde, a fart! Trowist I wyll gyf up my plow or cart And folow thy folysh appityte and mynde? | ||
Thersytes (1550) D i: Folyshe frederycke furberer of a farte Dynge daniell deintye to deathe wyll with a darte . | ||
Misogonus in (1906) II v: A fart for you all! | ||
George-A-Greene C2: [He] cast vp both his heeles, and let such a monstrous great fart, that was as much as in his language to say, A fart for the pound, and a fart for George a Greene. | ||
Scoggins iests 73: A fart for thy 3 sups of the chalice, said the Draper giue me my mony. | ||
Covent-Garden Weeded II i: Fart for his undertaking; all the world is bent to crosse me. | ||
. A parley betweene Prince Ruperts dogge [...] Puddle, and Tobies dog [...] Pepper n.p.: P. Ruperts Dog. Now confirme it with an Oath in blowing your nose backewards, and letting a fart, and say a fart for all Sectaries. Toby Dog. I will straine hard but I will do it, there is a fart for them all. | ||
Wit Restor’d (1817) 219: A fart for all perfumes, a turd for roses. | ‘Poeticall Poem to Mistresse Bess Sarney’||
‘Honest Tradesman’s Honour Vindicated’ in Roxburghe Ballads (1893) VII:1 37: I am a gallant Blade indeed, and gay apparel wear, / A fig for Trade, and a crown for a maid, and a fart for sorrow and care . | ||
The careless lovers 14: Tob. [A] Fart for you Mrs. Turd-pie. | ||
More shams still 25: With that, he swore, Damn him, he vallued not a Parliament, a Fart for a Parliament. | ||
London Spy I 2: A fart for Virgil and his Elegancy. | ||
Letters from the Dead to the Living in Works (1760) II 184: A fart for our creditors. | ||
Joseph Andrews (1954) I 64: ‘Common charity, a f--t!’ says she. | ||
Hist of Pompey Little I 103: I have been called to account for my Words [...] I must not say what I please against the Government. Talk with Decency indeed! a Fart of Decency! |