Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Proddy adj.

also Proddie, Proddy Woddy
[Proddy n.]

pertaining to a (Northern Ireland) Protestant or to their culture.

[[UK]Besant & Rice Son of a Vulcan II 232: He says he is a ‘Prodesdan,’ as the poor dear calls it].
[Ire]L. Daiken Out Goes She 15: Proddy Woddy blue-guts / Never said prayer / Catch him by the left leg / And throw him down the stair.
[Ire]J. Morrow Confessions of Proinsias O’Toole 11: The sight of Cyril was enough to send the kids into xenophobic convulsions [...] ‘Black Proddy monkey...’.
[Ire]E. Mac Thomáis Janey Mack, Me Shirt is Black 97: We used to think that Churchman [brand of cigarettes] were for priests, bishops and Proddy Woddy ministers.
[Ire]F. Mac Anna Last of the High Kings 70: She didn’t say anything about slaves or proddie landlords.
[UK]A. Higgins Donkey’s Years 93: The texture of her Proddy skin was glazed and clouded as if greyish blue smoke tinged her living flesh.
[UK]N. Griffiths Grits 115: Ut wuz a fuckin Proddy bomb n all.
[UK]K. Sampson Outlaws (ms.) 57: I’d [...] walk the length of Mill Street and up to round by the Proddie cathedral.
[Scot](con. 1980s) I. Welsh Skagboys 16: Please let him be awright proddy god paper god muslim god jew god.
[Scot]G. Armstrong Young Team 49: Everywans talkin aboot eh scrappin up eh proddy school.