Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rollicking n.

[euph. ballocking n.2 ]

a telling off, a reprimand.

[UK]F.D. Sharpe Sharpe of the Flying Squad 248: I sees the Guv’nor and I tells ’im orf proper – gives ’im a proper rollicking.
[UK]M. Harrison Reported Safe Arrival 13: An’ they give ’im a rollickin’ if ’e turned yer dahn.
[UK]H. Livings Nil Carborundum (1963) Act III: I’ve had a rollicking from the S.W.O. I’ve had me leave pass tore up.
[UK](con. 1940s) J. Wolveridge Ain’t it Grand 77: He didn’t just give Bert a rollicking, he fired him.