Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bourgie n.

also bojie, boochie, boojee, boojie, boojy, buzhie
[SE bourgeois, middle class]

(orig. US black) a bourgeois, middle-class, thus law-abiding black (equally applicable to whites).

[US]C. Major Dict. Afro-Amer. Sl.
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 52: Terms that specifically disparage the black bourgeoisie, such as boojie [...] boochie, buzhie, bojie.
[US]G. Smitherman Black Talk 66: boojee An elitist, uppity-acting African American, generally with a higher educational and income level than the average Black, who identifies with Europeran American culture.
[US]Eble Sl. and Sociability 36: All types of shortening are evident in college slang. The most frequent pattern of clipping is the loss of sounds from the ends of words: [...] bourgie, from bourgeois ‘someone who is bourgeois, superficial, pretending to be with it’.