Green’s Dictionary of Slang

draggle-tail n.

[16C SE draggle-tail, an unkempt, slatternly woman, whose skirts drag along the ground]

1. (also draggle-drawers) a prostitute, a promiscuous woman.

[[UK]‘W.S.’ Lamentable Tragedie of Locrine III iv: If you be so plaine mistresse drigle dragle, fare you well].
[UK]Nashe Have With You to Saffron-Walden in Works III (1883–4) 180: So this will be a iest to make one laugh that lyes a dying, to see a Gillian draggell taile run here tail into a bushe of thornes, because her nailes are not long inough to scratch it.
[UK]Gossips Braule 5: doll: Doe ye hear, Mistris Bung-breech, Who do you call Whore, pray? bess: Not you goody draggle-tayl with the doggs-Skin muff at your breech.
[[UK] ‘The Old Pudding-Pye Woman’ in Ebsworth Roxburghe Ballads (1893) VII:1 77: In Winter [when it snows] you may behold her dragled Tail].
[UK]Fifteen Real Comforts of Matrimony 2: Let a handsome draggletail come in sight, and they cry, Fair and sluttish.
[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Draggle-tail a nasty dirty Slut.
[UK] ‘The Poor Whores Complaint’ in Holloway & Black I (1975) 217: With their draggel tales thats nine inches deep.
[UK]C. Johnson Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 145: An Oyster-Wench suing a Kitchen Staff-Woman, for calling her Draggle-tail.
[UK]‘Roxana Termagent’ Drury Lane Jrnl 16 Jan. 5: Sunday last Moll Draggletail, alias Foulmouth, alias Fire-ship, alias Strip-me-naked, alias Bung your eye, was [...] charg’d with an intent to commit fornication, by street-walking in the Strand.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue ms. additions n.p.: Draggletail or Daggletail one whose garments are bespattered with Dag or Dew. Generally applied to the female sex, to Signify a Slut.
[[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue (2nd edn) n.p.: Draggletail [...] One whose garments are bespattered with dag or dew: generally applied to the female sex, to signify a slattern].
[UK] ‘Dame Durden’ in Brahamian Songster 3: ’Twas Moll and Bet, and Doll and Kate, And Dorothy Dragaltail.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[US]Wkly Rake (NY) 30 July n.p.: wants to knowDo you understand, Dorothy Draggletail, of Hudson st?
[UK]G.A. Sala Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous 194: Sukey Mops and Dorothy Draggletail went off to the Drawing-room in Satin sacks and High-heeled shoes.
[UK]Portsmouth Eve. News 5 Jan. 2/4: Bridget Heffornan, the draggle-tail and tippler.
[UK]P. MacGill Moleskin Joe 62: Sally Jaup! Old Draggle-tails, you mean?
W.R. Burnett King Cole 136: Read [...] why pick on a little pushover? She’s got sore throat from saying yes. She’s got callouses on her shoulder blades.’ ‘Don’t be nasty.’ ‘And I always talk about ascetic Read Cole! Goes for the first little draggle-drawers that looks at him’.
[US]E. Cray Erotic Muse (1992) 9: It seems strained to insist that a Scots song about the nature of the penis would give rise to another about the size of the vaginas of four draggletails from Baltimore.

2. a female servant.

[UK]W. Sanderson A compleat history of [...] King Charles 567: [E]very Citizens Dame, to the Draggle-tail of her Kitchin, had got up that colour.
T. Deloney The honour of the cloathworking trade n.p.: [S]he often threatned to scald him out of the Kitchen, or run him through with the Spit, when he called her Draggle-tail, and dirty Sow,.
[UK]T. Nourse Campania fœlix 204: [A] Clown, certainly, and a draggle-tail’d Kitchen-Wench, when trick’d up like my Master and Lady, cannot choose but have a mighty Opinion of their own Merit and Improvements.
[UK]Bristol Magpie 28 Sept. 3/2: And Jack kissed Kitty! / And Dorothy Draggletail, / [...] And Kitty was a charming girl / To carry the milking pail.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 16 Aug. 13/3: After a few lessons the boy learned to scrub and wash with surprising cleanliness, putting more ‘elbow grease’ into the performance than any of my other helps. Of course it seems a bit queer at first to dispense with the familiar draggle-tail.