Green’s Dictionary of Slang

clock v.3

[clocker n.1 (3), but note clock v.2 (2)]

(US black) to sell drugs, thus to make money from drug-dealing.

[US]Positively Black 🎵 You clock those drugs or you kill or rob.
[US]UGK ‘Pocket Full of Stones’ 🎵 Everybody in my faaamly was clockin loot.
[US](con. 1985–90) P. Bourjois In Search of Respect 90: We used to clock, man. This shit [i.e. crack] [...] used to sell like hot cakes.
[US]L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 24: Pitchers (street-level dealers) don’t clock the real paper.
[US]UGK ‘Quit Hatin’ The South’ 🎵 I’m still clockin figures.

In phrases

clock on (v.)

to grow older.

[UK]M. Herron Secret Hours 214: ‘Risking life and limb for Her Madge [...] air enough, she’s clocking on, can’t be expected to do it herself.’.
off the clock [also link to SE clock off, to sign out at the end of a working shift and its implicit ‘unofficial’ status]

(US drugs) receiving a percentage of the profits, rather than a wage.

[US]Simon & Burns ‘The Pager’ Wire ser. 1 ep. 5 [TV script] Stinkum going to be coming off the clock, getting a percentage.