Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kludge n.

also clooge, kluge
[computer jargon; note Ger. kluge, smart, witty. Coined by J.W. Granholm (Datamation, n.d.) and defined by him as ‘an ill-assorted collection of poorly matching parts, forming a distressing whole’]

anything thrown together more by luck than judgement and with little style or sophistication.

in B. Stevens 25 Years 66: Airmen’s Unabridged Dictionary...Clooge...(espec. among missile men) Any improvised or makeshift repair, using old tin cans, chewing gum, etc., to simulate first-class work in Tech Order compliance [HDAS].
[US]D.E. Miller Bk of Jargon 187: kluge: Also kludge [...] A kluged solution to a problem is an improvised patch-up.
[US]T. Clancy Hunt for Red October 83: Skipper, SAPS works pretty well most of the time, but sometimes it’s a real kludge.