Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rack off v.2

(Aus.) to depart, to go away.

[Aus]Canberra Times (ACT) 7 June 4/6: [advert] RACK OFF! FOR THE LONG WEEKEND to ‘Normie’ country with the fun people for three days of wining, dining, and high living in the beautiful Hunter River Valley.
[Aus]C. Bowles G’DAY 7: MACKA: Wossa matter? Dip out? SHANE: Yeah. Put the ard word onner an she told me ter rack off.
[Aus]P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 109: ‘Rack off. I’ll defend myself’.
Facebook 15 July 🌐 Well this morning I got up had a rubbedy dub, a dad and Dave then racked off to the watering hole for a dogs eye with dead horse.