Green’s Dictionary of Slang

spell n.2

[SE spell, a short time]

1. (UK Und.) a two-year sentence.

[UK]Worcester Herald 26 Dec. 4/3: Spell, two years.

2. a sentence of three months’ imprisonment.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 21 Mar. 22/3: We are bursting the bars of our prison, / We are now from the spell half-released, / And the light of a sun newly risen, / Is shedding a glow in the East.
[US]D.G. Rowse Doughboy Dope 9: Czyerznski only ducked a spell in the jug by handshaking with the top-kick due to going AWOL.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

spell job (n.)

(Ulster) a job of uncertain or indefinite duration.

[Ire]J. Pepper Illus. Encyc. Ulster Knowledge n.p.: ‘If only I’d known it was a spell job,’ he said, ‘I’d nivver have taken it.’ [BS].