Green’s Dictionary of Slang

ugly stick n.

[often cited as a supposed reason for the lack of good looks]

1. (US) the state of being unattractive; in phrs. below.

2. (US) the penis.

[US]F. Bill Donnybrook [ebook] ‘Lets me service them fun sacks while she tastes my ugly stick’.

In phrases

beat with an ugly stick (v.) (also drop the ugly bomb, hit over the head with an/the ugly stick, slap..., whip... )

1. (Aus./US) to cause to be unattractive; often as a supposed reason for one’s lack of good looks, e.g. he was beat with an ugly stick.

El Paso Tiimes 15 Sept. 22/1: [property advert.] Owner Whipped With An Ugly Stick / but the house is a doll!
Black World/Negro Digest Sept. 15: ‘[Y]ou look like you been whupped wid uh ugly stick’.
L. Rainwater Behind Ghetto Walls 245: [heading] She Was Hit with an Ugly Stick.
[US]W.D. Myers Won’t Know Till I Get There 78: I mean, he’s not ugly, exactly. You figure like this, when they dropped the ugly bomb, it didn’t score a direct hit on my man.
[Aus]B. Humphries Traveller’s Tool 20: You’d swear they’d all been hit over the head with the ugly stick.
[Aus]R.G. Barratt ‘So Why Doesn’t Jack the Lad Get a Real Job?’ in What Do You Reckon (1997) [ebook] [S]creeching divorcees that look like they take ugly medicine then get beaten with an ugly stick,.
[US]P. Munro Sl. U. 28: be beat with an ugly stick / be slapped with an ugly stick / be whipped with an ugly stick to be ugly (often used as a reason for why someone should be ugly).
[US](con. 1940s) Deuce Ofay Productions ‘The Jive Bible’ at 🌐 Angela, what you doin’ wit’ Rick? He ’bout as low as you can go wit’ out somebody takin’ the ugly stick to yo’ head!
[UK]K. Richards Life 134Your old lady’s so ugly, I had to chase her away with an ugly stick: .
[US]T. Pluck ‘Legacy of Brutality’ in Life During Wartime (2018) 61: ‘That boy dumb as dirt and twice as ugly.’ ‘Look like someone try knock his brains out with the ugly stick’.
[Ire]P Howard Braywatch 64: ‘Look at the focking head on her! [...] Bet [sic] with the ugly stick!’.

2. (US campus) of a man, to have sexual intercourse.

[US] P. Munro Sl. U.