Green’s Dictionary of Slang

streaked adj.

(US) irritable, irascible, ill-tempered, embarrassed.

[UK]D. Humphreys Yankey in England 57: Oh, —the good, gracious suzz! how streaked I feel all over!
[US]T. Haliburton Clockmaker I 38: The neighbours snickered a good deal, and the Elder felt pretty streaked.
[US]J.R. Lowell Biglow Papers 1st ser. 14: But when it comes to bein’ killed, — I tell ye I felt streaked / The first time ever I found out why baggonets were peaked.
[US]T. Haliburton Sam Slick’s Wise Saws I 62: I felt streaked enough, you may depend.
[US]R.F. Burton City of the Saints 279: Wal now [...] guess I’m kinder streakt.
[US]Schele De Vere Americanisms 637: Streaked or streaky, well known to English low life, are favorite words with Western men, to whom ‘to feel streaked,’ conveys the utmost apprehension of which they are capable.