Green’s Dictionary of Slang

stuccoed adj.

[play on plastered adj.1 ]

(US) drunk.

[US]M. Prenner ‘Sl. Synonyms for ‘Drunk’’ in AS IV:2 102: basted [...] stuccoed, tanked, three sheets in the wind, tight, tipsy, tuned, woozy.
[US]Mencken Amer. Lang. (4th edn) 568: It is to those days before the Civil War that we owe many of the colorful American terms for [...] drunk, e.g., [...] pie-eyed, plastered, snozzled, stewed, stuccoed, tanked, woozy.
[UK]Guardian 12 Jan. 34/2: ‘The worse for liquor,’ ‘shellacked,’ ‘stuccoed’.