Green’s Dictionary of Slang

scald n.

also scaldings
[Irish scal, hot tea]

(Irish) tea or coffee.

[UK]Navy at Home I 6: [He] had just placed an immense tin teapot before the officiating high priest, and a twin teakettle at his feet, after suitably bawling out [...] the emphatic word ‘scaldings!’.
[US]N. Ames ‘Morton’ An Old Sailor’s Yarns 282: The crew were clustering around the galley with their tin pots [...] shouting ‘scaldings’!’ as they hurried forward with their respective allowances of hot coffee.
[UK]R.S. Surtees Handley Cross (1854) 117: Mrs Muffin, and the seven Misses Muffins [...] were comin’ to take their scald with him [...] and he vanted me to carry the h’urn.
[Ire]Ballymena Obs. 20 Jan. 7/6: Discusion then ensued [...] as to the quantity of tea required for a good ‘cup o’ scald’.
[Ire]S. O’Casey Plough and the Stars Act IV: Wot abaht a cup of scald?
[Ire]S. Beckett Dream of Fair to Middling Women (1993) 53: John came slouching down from his forge for a cup of scald.
[Ire]D. MacDonagh Happy as Larry Act I: Come down to the corner and have a ball / Of malt, or better come home with me / And the missus will make you a scald of tea.
[Ire]P. Howard The Joy (2015) [ebook] Tea is the usual pot of scald, no fuckin [...] Christmas cake.
[Ire]Sun. Indep. (Dublin) 3 Dec. n.p.: After an interminable wait, without as much as a cup of scald on offer [BS].