Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sproggy n.

also sprog, (rare) sproggle

(Aus.) a sparrow, esp. the (introduced) House Sparrow, Passer domesticus; also attrib.

[Aus]Eve. Jrnl (Adelaide) 9 Jan. 2/2: Many a [...] person has been hit and a window has been broken by means of a small pebble or jagged piece of lead, intended in the first instance for the bright-plumage parrot or the destructive ‘sproggy’ .
[Aus]Sunraysia Dly (Mildura, Vic.) 26 Jan. 2/4: ‘If all the boxthorns in Mildura wor desthroyed it wud not lessen the sparrows by wan solitary sproggie’.
[Aus]Smith’s Wkly (Sydney) 29 Mar. 27/6: The sparrow – common in most parts of Australia – must own more nicknames than any other bird. Here’s eleven of ’em anyhow: – ‘Chirper,’ ‘dadger,’ ‘diggie,’ ‘padjie,’ ‘sprig,’ ‘spriggie,’ ‘spadger,’ ‘spoggie,’ ‘sproggle,’ ‘spidger,’ ‘titter,’ – and what some of the farmers call him at seeding time would fill a book.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 24 Apr. 40/3: Its most important advantage, however, is that thousands of sparrows will nest in it, thus providing you and the boys with thousands of sprog eggs.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 30 Apr. 16/2: In that same Cabbage Garden, in a spot in fested with boxthorn hedges and herds of sproggies – for the heads of the latter we used to get 1s. a dozen from the local council – we used to wait till the sprogs had settled for the night in the hedges, then sneak up and scare ’em.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 19 Jan. 6/1: He could not get beyond his seven-times table [...] but he knew when and where the sproggies nested [...] how to make and use a shanghai, and seven English and one Spanish swearwords.
[Aus]S.J. Baker Aus. Speaks 104: sproggy, spudgy, or spridgy, a sparrow.
Birding-Aus 26 Nov. 🌐 When I lived in Adelaide (‘75 to ‘93), sparrows were called sproggies, or sprogs, by ordinary (non-birder) folk.