Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hate, the n.

(US campus) something unpleasant.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Nov. 3: the hate – an unfortunate circumstance: ‘Two papers and a test in one week is the hate’.

SE in slang uses

In phrases

get a hate on (v.)

(US) to become extremely angry.

[US] in T.I. Rubin Sweet Daddy 48: The other one would get a hate on.
have a hate on (v.)

(Aus./US) to dislike intensely; to be extremely angry.

[Aus]Register (Adelaide) 31 May 5/3: They have a hate on America in Aussie. They have a hate on Americans. They growl at us 40 times a day. They call us ail the names they can lay to mind.
[Aus]Age (Melbourne) 22 May 7/4: Your lads in Tobruk have a real hate on now that Jerry has twice deliberately bombed hospital ships and killed Australian wounded.
[Aus]Northern Star (Lismore, NSW) 28 Feb. 1/5: The Germans seem to have a particular hate against us lawyers [...] The Inner Temple was badly hit, and Gray’s Inn and Lincoln’s Inn also caught it.
[US]News (Adelaide) 2 Dec. 24/1: in one burst, when he [a batsman] shot from 60 to 85, he seemed to have a private hate on the pickets on the stand fence.
[US]L. Bing Do or Die (1992) 257: Makes you wonder what would happen if some ’banger with a hate on got his hands on a nuclear device.