Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kerosene tin push n.

[the joc. story that goats are fed on kerosone tins; thus Bulletin 11/1/1906 15/1: ‘What a multiplicity of uses the kerosene tin is put to in the bush [...] Houses are made of it in some parts and I have heard they feed the goats on kerosene tins about Byrock, but I cannot vouch for that.’]

(Aus.) a flock of goats.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 29 Sept. 14/4: [T]he goats that swarm about railway-fettlers’ camps take fits of unrest at intervals and clear out, one and all, travelling away to the East. So well is this understood that owners in search of their strayed ‘kerosene-tin push’ never dream of looking west of their camps.