Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Burketown mosquito net n.

[proper name of the outback town of Burketown, Queensland]

(Aus.) a bottle of rum and a cow-dung fire.

B. Harney Cook Bk 89: A Burketown Mosquito Net. Drink a bottle of O.P. rum with swamp-water [AND].
[Aus]B. Wannan Folklore of the Aus. Pub 125: Burketown mosquito net: A bottle of O.P. rum, drunk with swamp water, so the locals say, is as good a mosquito net as any, since it renders the drinker insensible to the irritation of these pests.
[Aus]B. Scott Complete Bk Aus. Folk Lore 380: A Burketown mosquito net is a bottle of rum and a cowdung fire [AND].
N. Watkins Kangaroo Connection 102: ‘Hope you’ve brought your Burke-town mosquito net?’ Charles laughed, as the reference to a Burke-town mosquito net, meant a bottle of O.P. rum and swamp water! [AND].