Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tourist n.

1. (US tramp) a hobo who travels south to avoid the cold northern winters.

[[UK]Clarkson & Richardson Police! 237: In ‘flash’ language, the resorts are described, not as lodging houses, but [...] ‘dossing cribs,’ ‘snoozing jugs,’ cadgers’ covers,’ ‘tourist cabins,’ and ‘buskers’ retreats’].
[US]V.W. Saul ‘Vocab. of Bums’ in AS IV:5 345: Tourist — A hobo whose main concern is to escape the cold winters.
[US]Reader’s Digest Nov. 31: I myself went on the road at 17; and remained there till I was 20; I thus met hundreds of ‘tourists,’ [i.e. tramp printers] or ‘roadsters,’ as they called themselves [DA].
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn).

2. (gay) one who occas. enjoys homosexual sex, but is not a member of the subculture.

[US]‘Swasarnt Nerf’ et al. Gay Girl’s Guide 16: tourist: Term, of contempt used by habitués of a certain place for an unfamiliar and curious-looking intruder, whether straight or homosexual.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 199: tourist heterosexual gawking in a gay environment.
[US]Maledicta VI:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 147: From them she might pick up and more to startle than identify with her sisters use words and expressions such as [...] tourist (not in the life but down there on a visit, etc.).