Green’s Dictionary of Slang

lezzie adj.

also lesie, lessie, lezzo, lezzy


[US]Trimble 5000 Adult Sex Words and Phrases.
[UK]Glatt et al. Drug Scene in Grt Britain 117: Lesie – female homosexual.
[UK]J. Cameron Vinnie Got Blown Away 76: Fucking cowardly lessie scumbag bastard.
[UK]K. Lette Mad Cows 88: That lezzo stuff . . . it’s like real chic now, you know.
[UK](con. 1960s) A. Frewin London Blues 98: The punters wanted to know why we didn’t have any lezzy stuff and fucking stuff.
[UK]Observer Screen 2 Apr. 18: That evil lezzie bitch!
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 20: ‘His evil lezzie sister took snapshots’.