Green’s Dictionary of Slang

arvo n.

also arfo, avvo
[abbr. SE + -o sfx (3)]

(mainly Aus.) afternoon; also attrib.

[Aus]Advocate (Burnie, Tas.) 5 June 7/2: See the mill yesterday arfo’ Steve?
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 6 Dec. 42/1: Alone on the bench this Sunday arvo.
[Aus]R. Park Poor Man’s Orange 197: Like that tart I saw down town last Saturday arvo.
[Aus]J.E. Macdonnell Jim Brady 36: What about the range this arvo?
[Aus]G. Barry Bed and Bored 164: We was at the Club, and I’d been playing the machines all arvo.
[Aus]Lette & Carey Puberty Blues 48: Bruce wants me to meet him down the creek this arvo.
[Aus]B. Humphries Traveller’s Tool 14: Any time of year after three-thirty in the arvo.
[UK]M. Simpson ‘Prufrock Scoused‘ Catching Up with Hist. 23: The avvo, the evenin avin a birrova kip.
[Aus]T. Winton Lockie Leonard, Legend (1998) 148: We’ll be home this arvo.
[UK]N. Griffiths Grits 81: An en, iss arvo, a saw it in-a Cambrian News, agen: Fat Charlie’s dead.
[Aus]D. McDonald Luck in the Greater West (2008) 1: He wished he was able to be drunk at three in the arvo.
R. Easton Naked in Eden 55: A couple of freaks went through yesterday arvo. Bloody drongos ponged so bad I stayed upwind of ’em.
[Aus](con. 1943) G.S. Manson Coorparoo Blues [ebook] [F]anning herself with the arvo Telegraph.
[Aus]N. Cummins Tales of the Honey Badger [ebook] Later that arvo [...] the old man grabbed a six-pack of Crownies.
[Aus]in D. Andrew Aussie Sl.