Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hank n.4

also ank
[ety. unknown; ? dial. be in a hank, to be confused, mixed up]


[UK]Mirror of Life 12 Jan. : Of course the boxers who fought ‘at a well-known resort at Battersea’ are in the flesh, therefore there can be no ‘ hank’.
[UK]‘Doss Chiderdoss’ ‘A Polyglot Policeman’ Sporting Times 1 Apr. 1/4: Is it that the blighters have so little work to do / That they’re learning all this parly-vooing hank?
[UK]Marvel III:55 11: What’s the sport? I don’t want no hank! [Ibid.] No. 56 30: By James, I guess that’s correct, and no hank!
[UK]‘Doss Chiderdoss’ ‘Telling ’Em Something’ Sporting Times 3 Dec. 2/2: The Chancellor, knowing they’re open to ’ank, / Is a dabster at ladling it out.
[UK]J. Franklyn Cockney 286: The victim of a practical joke, growing a little tired of it, indicates this weariness with [...] ‘Now come on. No ank. Where have you hid my hat?’.