Green’s Dictionary of Slang

scabbard n.

[a trans. of Lat. and euph. for SE vagina]

the vagina; thus sisters of the scabbard, prostitutes.

[UK]Marston The Fawne Act IV: It be no great part of iniustice, for him to be struck with the scabbard that haz struck with the blade (for there is few of vs but hath made some one Cuckold or other).
[UK]Fletcher Chances III i: Worshipful Lady, How does thy velvet Scabbard?
[UK]Rowley Woman Never Vext 9: You give away the sword, and must defend Your selfe with the scabbard.
[bk title] THE BROTHERS of the BLADE: Answerable to The Sisters of the Scaberd. or, A Dialogue betweene two Hot-spurres of the Times, Serjeant Slice-man, alias Smell-smockof Coney-Court in Chick-lane, and Corporall Dam-meeof Bell-alley neere Pick-hatch.
[UK]H. Nevile Newes from the New-Exchange 7: ’Tis a very hard matter to know whether she be a Lady, or Leviathan. Sure none but Goliahs weapon can fit her Scabbard, nor can any hand but his with six Fingers and he that will please her . . . must convert a Weavers beam into a dildo.
[UK]Dryden Wild Gallant II i: Nay, if he fought with the sword, he should give me leave to fight with the Scabbard.
[UK]Buckingham Chances III i: [as cit. c.1617].
[UK]N. Ward Mars Stript of his Armour 11: [Some] advance themselves by the Sword; yet, it has been known, that others have obtain’d the same Honour by the Scabbard.
Venus in the Cloister (Prat) 170: Instead of a Dagger she found only a Scabbard.
News from the New-Exchange (2 edn) [as 1650].
[UK]Machine 4: Whilst the hot Youth less cautious [...] unally’d, Thy sheathing Scabbard on his Metal Blade; / Scarce three Days past the dear-bought Bliss bewails.
[UK]‘Lustful Peh’ in Fal-Lal Songster in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) III 24: Then the soldier his long sword again drew forth with care, / [...] / Then with courage and boldness at once she seized it, / And tried if her scabbard the long sword would fit .
[UK]‘Walter’ My Secret Life (1966) VI 1105: A minute afterwards, it was sheathed in her fleshy scabbard.
[UK]‘Lais Lovecock’ Bagnio Misc. 33: Each flaming sword was sheathed in its lovely scabbard.
[UK]Farmer Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 143: Gaine, f. The female pudendum; ‘the scabbard’.