Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kaalvoet adj.

[synon. Afk.]

(S.Afr.) barefoot.

[SA]I. Mahomed Cheaper Than Roses in Perkins (1998) 61: Half thet own was walking kaalvoet.
[SA]CyberBraai Lex. at 🌐 KAALVOET: An Afrikaans word used by English-speakers, it means bare-footed and is pronounced ‘carl-foot.’ Schoolboy rugby players from sissy suburbs are wary of opposing players who run on the field kaalvoet.
[SA] ‘SA English’ on 🌐 Kaalvoet (pronounced carl-foot) – Stolen from Afrikaans, this means barefoot and is more widely used on the platteland than in cities. In South African schools, young boys usually play rugby ‘kaalvoet’ until they have finished primary school. Once they reach high school they graduate to wearing rugby boots for the first time.