Green’s Dictionary of Slang

homie n.5

(Aus.) a homebrewed beer; a glass or bottle of homebrew.

Google Groups:bigpond.broadband.users 10 Apr. 🌐 Yes, lets bring back the Aussie lingo before our kids forget it altogether [...] and let’s stop people ducking for cover when we say ‘let’s go crack open a homie’.
Google Groups:bigpond.broadband.users 23 Nov. 🌐 The first homie went down a bit rough. Am about to have my second.
Aussie Home Brewer 29 Dec. 🌐 I prefer my home brew to most beers. Aldi had tasting paddles on sale on the 27th, so the father-in-law and I sampled a few homies while the Aussies were making hay at the ’G.