Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mollying adj.

[molly n.1 (1)]


[UK]Proceedings Old Bailey 20 Apr. 6/2: But they look’d a ske upon Mark Partridge , and call’d him a treacherous, blowing-up Mollying Bitch.
[UK]Select Trials at Old Bailey (1742) II 371: I was [...] sent to Bridewell a second Time. And a third Time was only for raising a Disturbance about a Mollying-Cull in Covent-Garden.
[UK]J. Dalton Narrative of Street-Robberies 33: He being outrage’d at such effeminate Actions, took up a Quart Pot, and calling them a Pack of mollying Sons of B---s, swore he would drive ’em all to the D---l.
[UK]J. Dyer Narrative of Life before Execution 24: The Molleying-Bitch had a Goose with him, which we made bold to take with us, and we had it roasted the next Day.
[UK]Proceedings Old Bailey 12 Sept. 188/1: John Mills, otherwise Mollying Jack, and John Walker, otherwise Jack the Hatter, were indicted for privately stealing a silver Snuff-Box, value 25 s.
[UK]Ordinary of Newgate Account 24 Dec. 12/2: Hereupon, the three Soldiers began to abuse the Gentleman excessively, d—ing him, and calling him a hundred Mollying Rascals, and swearing he ought to have his Brains dashed out. [ibid.] 18/2: S—h [...] crys out, I have got a Molly; and Ruggles coming to his Assistance said, Aha, you Mollying Dog, have I caught you, you shall pay for your Pastime.