Green’s Dictionary of Slang

umpteen adj.

[orig. WWI milit. use, deliberately replacing a specific number with a noncommittal um for communications secrecy]

an unspecified large number or amount, usu. used attrib.

[NZ]Christchurch Press 14 Sept. 5: This must be good news for the Jap. paper men, for assuming they are like you and me, and never trot around with a credit balance of more than about umteen [sic] pence, they can sling the ink of libel [...] with a sweet freedom.
Northwestern Miller (Minneapolis, MN) 21 July 44: In regard to crop prospects in this section, wheat is same as ever, thanks. [...] Probable yields sufficient to ‘yank the bun’. Increase acreage ‘umpteen’’ per cent.
[Aus]C.E.W. Bean Anzac Book 135/2: And they counted and they found umpteen million men of valour, two ships, [...] umpteen billion rolls of paper money and ennygottsquantitee gas.
[UK]Boys’ Realm 16 Jan. 265: He ran umpteen rings round them, tricked them.
[UK]B. Bennett ‘The Street of a Thousand Lanterns’ in Billy Bennett’s Third Budget 29: They were married in umpteen what-not 2.
[UK]S. Lister Mistral Hotel (1951) 173: Umpteen million tons of nickel is goin’ to get blown to hell.
[Can]M. Richler Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1964) 258: Duddy could see his face so clearly and he could remember him from [...] umpteen other movies.
[UK]P. Terson Apprentices (1970) I iii: How many times have I told you to keep clear of that wall? It’s a dangerous wall, and I’ve told you and told you umpteen times.
[UK]A. Sillitoe Start in Life (1979) 28: Walking umpteen miles a week.
[UK]Indep. Rev. 10 July 8: Author and editor of umpteen books, editions, and reference books.
[Scot]C. Brookmyre Be My Enemy 127: Max recounted umpteen such bafflingly nebulous posts.
[Aus]P. Temple Broken Shore (2007) [ebook] Charles shells out to anyone who comes along. [...] Bailed out the footy club umpteen times.
[US]D. Winslow ‘Sunset’ in Broken 186: Every Thursday for the past umpteen years has been poker night.

In derivatives

umpteenth (adj.)

the ordinal created from the sl. numeral umpteen.

[US]J.N. Hall High Adventure 145: On the umteenth day of June, the escadrilles of Groupe de Combat Blank [that’s ours] will coöperate in an attack on the German observation balloons .
[UK]‘Ex-Légionnaire 1384 Hell Hounds of France 243: [A] letter from McCann, inviting me for the umpteenth time to join him in South America .
[US]W. Winchell On Broadway Sept. n.d. [synd. col.] Eric Zardo [...] and his wife [...] have parted for the umpteenth time.
[US]L. Pound ‘Miscellany: Indefinite Numbering’ in AS XXIV:3 229: umpteenth. ‘For the umpteenth time — the object of a college or university training is to stimulate independent thinking.’.
[US]H.S. Thompson letter 3 Mar. in Proud Highway (1997) 158: He has ‘gone down’ again for the umpteenth time.
[UK]J. Rosenthal Spend, Spend, Spend Scene 32: The Thursday – as she was showing her umpteenth light ale the way home – in he came!
[US]C. Hiaasen Skin Tight 219: He readjusted his shoulder holster for the umpteenth time.
[UK]J. Hoskison Inside 41: The umpteenth look at the cheap watch I had bought specially for prison.
[Aus]P. Temple Black Tide (2012) [ebook] Umpteenth time he’s done me.
[UK]Indep. Rev. 17 Jan. 18: The ditzy blonde provided the punchline that underlined, for the umpteenth time, her utter stupidity.