Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bowsprit n.

[SE bowsprit, ‘a large spar or boom running out from the stem of a vessel, to which (and the jib-boom and flying jib-boom, which extend beyond it) the foremast stays are fastened’ (OED)]

1. the nose.

[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK] ‘The Blind Sailor’ in Holloway & Black I (1975) 30: A splinter knocked my nose off, / My bowsprit’s gone, I cries.
[Aus]N.-Y. National Advocate 14 Nov. 2/3: There was considerable claret drawn [...] dominos shattered, bowsprit twisted away, and hulks otherwise damaged, till neither party was able to stand on his pins.
[UK]D. Jerrold Men of Character I 245: ‘Now you’re so like him – ha! ha! isn’t it his very bowsprit?’ and the humourist pointed his finger to the nose of Runnymede.
[UK]Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open.
[US]Trumble ‘On the Trail’ in Sl. Dict. (1890) 43: If you don’t stow your winds I’ll put your bowsprit in parenthesis.
[UK]Marvel III:53 2: That bloomin’ bowsprit of yourn.
[US](con. 1918) E.W. Springs Rise and Fall of Carol Banks 167: Carol came into the club one day with the reddest nose [...] ‘Why the flaming bowsprit?’ I inquired.

2. the penis, esp, when erect.

‘Captain Samuel Cock’ A Voyage to Lethe n.p.: His Grace the Duke of M— is master of a noble tall frigate, and used to penetrate with his bowsprit even into the privy garden of the palace.
[UK]‘Jack Junk’ in Flash Minstrel! in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) I 113: Cried Jack, if you don’t both heave to, / I’ll run my long bowsprit thro’ you! / Said Molly — that’s the man will do.
[UK]School Life in Paris 107: Causing his bow-sprit to slide very slowly onwards into its heaven.
[US]Guild Dict. Homosexual Terms 5: bowsprit (n.): An erect penis; because it sticks out like the bowsprit on a ship.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 103: erection [...] bowsprit (rare).
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 126/1: ca. 1820–1880.