Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Lionel Blair n.

also Blair, Lionel
[rhy. sl., UK entertainer Lionel Blair (b.1931)]

1. a chair.

[UK]R. Barker Fletcher’s Book of Rhy. Sl. 27: His daughter was sitting by the Jeremiah, on her favourite Lionel Blair.
K. Lucas ‘All my life I’ve wanted to be a Barrow Boy’ in Obfuscation News Apr. Issue 20 🌐 The Iron Mike has been adapted to have a Hat and Scarf Blair fitted so that the shafts fit into the arm rests and you sit in the Blair and drive and steer like our beloved Leader. Like him you will be in sole charge of your destiny. You can have it for a Tony.

2. in pl., flares, flared trousers.

[UK]J.J. Connolly Layer Cake 7: All that hitting the high street banks with the jolly old sawn-off went out with [...] three-piece whistles with twenty-four inch lionels.
[UK]B. Kirkpatrick Wicked Cockney Rhy. Sl.

3. hair.

[Ire]P. Howard Miseducation of Ross O’Carroll-Kelly (2004) 137: I check the old Lionel [...] probably needs a cut.