Green’s Dictionary of Slang

abactor n.

also abacter
[Lat. abigere, to drive away]

a dishonest drover or shepherd who connives at stealing the cattle they are guarding.

[UK]T. Elyot Dict. n.p.: Abactores, theues that steal cattell.
[UK]J. Withals Dictionarie in Eng. and Latine Qiii: Abactor, he that stealeth catell.
[UK]T. Cooper Thes. Linguae Romanae et Britannicae n.p.: Abactor, abactôris, m.g. Verbale. Apul. A theefe: a stealer of cattell or beastes.
[UK]R. Huloet Dictionarie newelye corrected n.p.: Stealer of cattell. Abactor, oris.
[UK]H. Hammond On Psalms in Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues I (1890–1904) 3/1: Invaders and abactors, whose breaking attended with the cattels passing through or going out .
[UK]T. Blount Law Dict. n.p.: Abactors: were stealers of Cattle or Beasts, by Herds, or great numbers; and were distinguished from Fures.
[UK]Annual Register [abridged] in Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues I (1890–1904) 3/1: One of the tricks of the abacters of old Smithfield was the driving of a bullock into a jeweller’s or other shop, and during the confusion the abacter’s confederates would help themselves to any valuables shop was so served three times in the year .
[UK]C. Lamb in Correspondence with Procter/ Works II (1870) 23: I thought, if she went no more, the Abactor or Abactor’s wife [...] would suppose she had heard something; and I have delicacy for a sheep-stealer.