Green’s Dictionary of Slang

lad n.


1. (also large lad) a penis.

[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 225: The lad stood to attention anyhow, he said with a sigh. She’s a gamey mare and no mistake.
[Ire]J. McGahern A Ballad in High Ground (1993) 28: O’Reilly got Rachael to take his lad in her mouth [...] Then he wouldn't let her spit it out.
[Ire]P. Howard The Joy (2015) [ebook] I’m sending telepathic signals downwards, ordering me lad to behave himself. If it starts trying to burrow its way out of me tracksuit bottoms, then I’ll never live it down.
[Ire]G. Coughlan Everyday Eng. and Sl. 🌐 Large Lad (n): mickey, willy, penis.
[UK]N. Griffiths Sheepshagger 143: My fuck, Griff whispers. – What the fuck’s happened to his lad.
[Ire]P. Howard PS, I Scored the Bridesmaids 11: Listening to your lad.

2. any inanimate object; for cit. 1914, note a ref. in 1950 Flann O’Brien, ‘J.J. & Us’, The Hair of the Dogma (1989) 136: [referring to an extra comma introduced in an editing error in the Penguin edn of Dubliners and thereby changing the meaning] ‘That comma after “this” – have we a word for it? Yes: BLASPHEMY.’.

[Ire]Joyce ‘Ivy Day in the Committee Room’ Dubliners (1st edn only) 160: ‘Which is my bottle?’ he asked. ‘This lad,’ said Mr Henchy.
[Ire]‘Myles na gCopaleen’ Best of Myles (1968) 287: Do you see that? That thing there? Cigarettes. Them lads [...] Them lads has me destroyed.
[UK]A. Higgins Donkey’s Years 287: Injections for pernicious anaemia kept her alive. ‘Without those lads,’ the doctor had warned her [...] ‘you wouldn’t walk the length of this room.’.

3. a creature.

[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 586: It’s them black lads I objects to. I hate those buggers. Sucks your blood dry, they does.

4. () in pl., constr. with the, criminals, thus N.Z. prison, one’s fellow inmates.

Wodehouse Eggs, Beans & Crumpets ((1951)) 222: He described Stuttering Sam as a Tough Baby, and [...] one of the lads.
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 103/1: lads, the n. = boys, the sense 1.

5. a fox.

[Ire]Irish Times 23 Dec. n.p.: The latter activity [hunting] has spawned some interesting prose and verse, often respectful of the fox – known, for example, as ‘the lad’ [BS].
Bluesky 19 May 🌐 [pic. caption of fox in churchyard] This lad nearly walked into today's service.

6. (also bad lad) constr. with the, cancer.

[Ire]P. Bracken Light of Other Days 121: Cancer was never mentioned by name. ‘The Lad’ was the sympathetic form of allusion and it was an illness that was often denied .
[Ire]S. Connaughton Border Diary n.p.: I met a friend the other day who referred to cancer as ‘the bad lad’. He wouldn’t say the word [BS].

7. (UK black) a popular and admirable male. ‘Roadman Slang 10 Jan. 🌐 Lad - a well-liked male.
[Ire]A. Killilea Boyo-wulf at 14 Apr. 🌐 Go on the bais, we have finally got to the part of the poem where Absolute Lad Grendel is introduced.