Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Veeber n.

also Veebers

(Aus.) Victoria Bitter brand beer.

Google Groups:alt.punk 30 Sept. 🌐 No Australian knows what VB stands for, but many people make guesses like Victor Bravo, Vitamin B, Violent Beer, Veebers or Very Bad.
Big Footy: Forum 10 Mar. 🌐 A mate of mine who was at a game there a few years ago said they sell cans of Veeber cheaper than at most suburban grounds, so that’s a positive.
Homebrew& Forum 14 Jan. 🌐 Veebers stubbs, tallies and throwdowns are the most common find on my regular bottle reccies.
Imgur 15 Apr. 🌐 I also managed to make good on the promise I made at Dunk! to get them all a beer. 5 Veebers!