Green’s Dictionary of Slang

shuffle n.1

[shuffle v.]

a confidence trick, a hoax; an act of deception.

Eldridge & Watts Our Rival, the Rascal 194: When he gets home and, sometimes, on the way home, he is likely to open the box and is confounded to find nothing within more precious than a stone wrapped up in brown paper. He has fallen a victim to the ancient shuffle trick.
[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 56: Doing a double shuffle with the town travellers. Square it with the boss and we’ll split the job, see?
[US]‘Blackie’ Audett Rap Sheet 182: We seen where a fast shuffle could be worked on them five-gallon cans that held the gasoline and alky.
[UK]R.L. Pike Mute Witness (1997) 81: A fast shuffle?
[US]L. Sanders Anderson Tapes 90: I don’t want you to think I’m giving you a fast shuffle, but I’ve got another meet tonight.