Green’s Dictionary of Slang

nonny-nonny n.

also nony-nony
[SE nonny no, the refrain of a song, thus a trifle, a nothing]

the vagina; the vulva.

[UK]Wit of a Woman v 432: These dauncers, sometimes do teach them trickes, aboue trenchmore, yea & sometimes such la voltas, that they mount so high, that you may see their hey nony, nony, nony no.
[UK]Florio Queen Anna’s New World of Words n.p.: Fossa ... a womans pleasure-pit, nony-nony, or pallace of pleasure.
[UK]Fletcher Humorous Lieutenant IV iv: Was that brave Heart made to pant for a placket: And now i’th’ dog-days too, when nothing dare love! That noble Mind to melt away and moulder For a hey nonny, nonny!
[UK] ‘Downe sate the shepherd’ in Furnivall & Hales Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript of Loose and Humorous Songs (1868) 58: [She has] hayre as blacke as any croe [...] all downe along to her hynononino.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.