Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hocker n.2

also hock
[SE hawk, to clear one’s throat of phlegm]

(US teen) a gob of phlegm or spit.

[US]Current Sl. III:4.
[US]Frank Zappa ‘Pygmy Twylyte’ 🎵 Green hocker croakin’ / In the Pygmy Twylyte.
[US]T. Jones Pugilist at Rest 49: Vittorio asked me if he could see my tonsils [...] and when I opened my mouth, he spat a hocker into the back of my throat.
[US]J. Stahl Plainclothes Naked (2002) 210: To cap the fun, the boy worked up a hock, grinned, and spit a goober the size of a chicken head onto Tony’s cheek.
[US]D.R. Pollock Devil All the Time 96: He had lain on the sticky floor among the cigarette butts and hockers and spilled beer.