Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rough stuff n.

[SE rough ]

1. (also rough work) physical violence; also attrib.

[US]A.H. Lewis Boss 72: These Red Jackets to make the decent front, th’ Tin Whistles to fall back on for the rough work.
[US]Western News (Stevensville, MT) 1 July 4/2: Be fair. Cut out the rough stuff.
[US]B. Fisher A. Mutt in Blackbeard Compilation (1977) 9: Say, nix on this rough stuff.
[US]Seattle Star (WA) 16 Aug. 1/6: Strong Arm Jake [...] McLaurin says he will sue ‘King’ Jake for his ‘rough stuff’ methods.
[US]J. Lait ‘The Gangster’s Elegy’ in Beef, Iron and Wine (1917) 243: I better not let ’em start no rough stuff in here.
[UK]Wodehouse Inimitable Jeeves 176: I could see from the fellow’s eye that he was meditating some of his customary rough stuff.
[US]Rudolph Fisher Walls Of Jericho 47: Ain’t go’bn be no rough stuff in this neighborhood.
[US]‘Goat’ Laven Rough Stuff 107: Bottles wasn’t much good at rough stuff, but he was a damn good prowler and sneak thief.
[Aus]Smith’s Wkly (Sydney) 26 Feb. 3/1: As the old-timer put it, the ‘stand-over’ rackets had been ‘organised.’ The ‘rough stuff,’ as far as possible, had been ruled out .
Press (Canterbury) 2 Apr. 18: [B]eware of the ‘John Hops’ who stand no ‘rough stuff’.
[UK]V. Davis Gentlemen of the Broad Arrows 168: The understanding that you don’t try any rough stuff.
[US]N. Algren Man with the Golden Arm 250: Old Man Kippel didn’t go for rough stuff.
[US]R. Prather Scrambled Yeggs 6: No rough stuff, huh? What the hell do you call this bloody damned part in my hair?
[UK]‘Frank Richards’ Billy Bunter at Butlins 192: Jimmy Jecks was more than ready to hand out the ‘rough stuff’.
[Aus]W. Dick Bunch of Ratbags 97: Next time it wouldn’t be only his finger that got broken, if he did try any rough stuff.
[Aus]K. Gilbert Living Black 237: They’re used to treating the tracs with the rough stuff and it rubs off on to the other prisoners and they get it rough.
[US](con. early 1950s) J. Ellroy L.A. Confidential 367: No rough stuff, please, caveman!
[Aus]P. Temple Bad Debts (2012) [ebook] Some people won’t co-operate. Rough stuff, murder maybe? Well, accidents happen.
[US]C. Stella Jimmy Bench-Press 43: Jimmy isn’t used to that sort of thing, the rough stuff.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 57: cut the rough/cut out the rough stuff Desist from doing something aggressive or unpleasant to others, often used as an imperative against such rough stuff. ANZ 1930s.
[Aus] A. McKinty ‘The Dutch Book’ in Crime Factory: Hard Labour [ebook] me dad was in the Bandidos. I’ve seen plenty of rough stuff.
[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 392: ‘Wasn’t so long ago you was BNP.’ ‘Henry... don’t be hurtful... I didn’t believe a word of it... I was only in it for the rough stuff... [...] maiming for maiming’s sake’.

2. severe criticism; intense teasing.

[US]B. Fisher A. Mutt in Blackbeard Compilation (1977) 21: Many of the boys are getting the rough stuff at home today on account of New Year’s pledges.
[Aus]Aussie (France) 9 Dec. 5/2: Reynolds’ amused smile grew broader. / ‘Cut out the rough stuff, Jack, this thing has gone past a joke; I’ve had a skinful of the whole affair.’.
[US]P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 101: The Portugee Kid gave the road-kid the ‘office’ to lay off the rough stuff.
[US]E. Pound letter 16 Jan. in Paige (1971) 226: I gather McA. handed him some rough stuff on first meetin, but he don’t bear no mangy.

3. (Aus./US) a disrespectful, reckless, indecent or disorderly person; disrespect, recklessness, indecency.

[US]Mansfield (OH) News 7 Dec. 10(?)/3: Only pie-trimmers and hash-slingers would ever condescend to come across with such rough stuff as ‘Aw, nix on that,’ ‘Cheese it’ and ‘Shut your trap.’.
[Aus]Aussie (France) V June 8/2: ’Ave I won a blanky ‘duckboard’? / Digger, cut the rough stuff out, / For I ain’t no bloomin’ ’ero; / I’m a bloke they calls a scout.
[Aus](con. WWI) A.G. Pretty Gloss. Sl. [...] in the A.I.F. 1921–1924 (rev. t/s) n.p.: rough stuff. An undisciplined, reckless, indecent, disorderly person or thing.
[US]J. Callahan Man’s Grim Justice 43: Cut out that rough stuff before these screws kill you. [...] Nobody with any sense fights prison keepers.
[US]H.M. Anderson Strip Tease 15: ‘The rough stuff was what made burly tick’.
[US](con. late 19C) C. Jeffords Shady Ladies of the Old West 🌐 The most successful landladies maintained, at least on the ground floor, a strict air of respectability and charming home life; they insisted on corsets downstairs and forbade ‘rough stuff.’.

4. exclusive of violence, criminal or otherwise unacceptable behaviour.

Wodehouse Eggs, Beans & Crumpets ((1951)) 213: ‘[Y]your aunt [...] has a right to early information about stuff that is being pulled on the premises’.

5. (orig. US) sado-masochistic sex.

[US]Maledicta II:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 115: I shall limit myself to rhyming slang. I do not mean claptrap, sure cure, and hot shot (though sexual meanings attach to AC/DC, rough stuff and so on).
[US]C. Fleming High Concept 100: Michelle was an unwed mother with [...] a reputation for rough stuff.

6. (drugs) marijuana that contains a lot of unsmokeable debris [stuff n. (5c)].

[US]E.E. Landy Underground Dict. (1972).
[US]J. Homer Jargon.
[US]ONDCP Street Terms 18: Rough stuff — Marijuana.