Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dogfuck n.

[dogfuck v.]

1. (US) trouble; usu. in phr. in the dogfuck.

[US]W. Groom Better Times Than These (1979) 37: Spudhead jammed his hands into his pockets and said with authority, ‘We’re really in the dogfuck now’.

2. sexual intercourse in which entry is made from the rear.

‘Rev. of Enge Teeny-Saue’ on 🌐 Commuter Tonia accepts a ride from a stranger and is sweet talked into parking in the woods. Tongue tweaking her small, hard nipples has the desired effect; her lips wrapped ’round his knob, a dog fuck in the boot and his spunk spurting into her mouth from his engorged, purple bell end.

In phrases

common dog fuck (n.)

(Aus.) anything, sex is irrelevant, considered run-of-the mill, average.

[Aus]‘Thommo’ Dict. Aus. Swearing & Sex Sayings 27: COMMON DOG FUCK — Anything that is common, ordinary, typical, average, frequent or every day run of the mil.