Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pomp v.

[Afk. pomp, to pump]

(S.Afr.) to have sexual intercourse; thus as n., sexual intercourse, a sexual partner.

[SA] in J. & W. Branford Dict. S. Afr. Eng. (1991).
[SA]P. Hotz Muzukuru 70: ‘Guess what I did,’ Bond breaks in. ‘Caught three kinds of clap when you pomped your mother.’ ‘Jisis, you blokes,’ he says in a huff.
[SA]P.-D. Uys No Space on Long Street (2000) 6: In the 70s we were free to do what we wanted, man, in spite of the boere and the laws. [...] Ja, breaking the laws gives you good horn, hey? You pomped up against a parked Cortina.
[UK]Independent 25 Nov. 🌐 Initiation rites in this brutal world [of SA gangs] include rape, and women are known as ‘pomp dinge’ (things for pumping).
[SA]K. Cage Gayle 78/2: klomp pomp n. (Afr.) (lit. = clump pump) orgy. [Ibid.] 89/1: pomp n. (Afr.) (lit. = pump) person you are currently sleeping with – generally indicative of a transient relationship. v. (Afr.) have sex.