Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gimp n.1

[Scot. gimp, slender, neat]

1. (US) courage, bravery, spirit.

[US]J. Frye Fables of Field and Staff 84: But he was some lackin’ in sperrit. O-ho! he cert’nly was lackin’ o’ gimp.
[Aus]E. Dyson Fact’ry ’Ands 164: The wearer wouldn’t have sufficient gimp t’ get up off er tack.
[US]Ade Knocking the Neighbors 121: He could not face a Jury or fight a Case because the fond Parents had put the Sign on him and robbed him of all his Gimp.
[US]H.L. Wilson Professor How Could You! 315: Say what you will, he’s got a world of gimp.
[US]P. Stevenson Gospel According to St Luke’s 26: Boys with gimp are those for whom studies are not easy, yet who manage, by their gimp, to attain high rank.
[US]R.L. Bellem ‘Million Buck Snatch!’ Dan Turner - Hollywood Detective Jan. 🌐 His hand was trembling [...] The kidnaping of his little girl had taken all the gimp out of him.

2. (Irish/US) swagger, elegance.

[US]Ade Hand-made Fables 25: There was not enough whalebone in the Department Stores to give any Gimp to Eloise.
[Ire]T. Murphy Whistle in the Dark [stage direction] He affects a swagger when he walks The swagger is called ‘the gimp’, shoulders hunched up, one shoulder higher than the other, arms slightly tense.
[Ire] (ref. to 1963) D. Healy Bend for Home 176: Look at the gimp of him, said Dinny.

3. (US) a manager, a boss.

[US]Seattle Star (WA) 11 Nov. 8/3: ‘The gimp was doing the royal with some clover-kicker at the next board.’ [The boss was entertaining a friend from the country at the next table].