Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Pomgolia n.

also Pongolia
[pommie n. + play on Mongolia]

(N.Z.) Britain.

‘Len Lacey’ Loosehead Len’s Bumper Thump Book 14: Now it was true that the spudbashers [i.e. the Irish rugby union team] had about as successful a season in Pomgolia as a bomb disposal man with hay fever.
Contact (Wellington) 7 June 5: During his month-long mission to Pongolia, Trev made a bird of talking to shopkeepers on their experience of the British version of GST.
[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 86/2: Pongolia Britain, modelled on Mongolia, promoted successfully by WWII soldier Les Cleveland, who told author he regretted ‘Pongoloid’ never caught on in the same way.
[NZ]Dominion (Wellington) 20 Sept. 61: I have a niece [...] who gets on the blower and rings up all her old mates in outer Pongolia or wherever.
[UK]Guardian 5 Sept. 35/2: Still, for jimmy Grants from Pomgolia, things could have been worse.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. [as cit. 1988].