Green’s Dictionary of Slang

slinger n.

[sling v.]

1. (US) a waiter or waitress.

[US]A.S. Evans A la Calif. 299: Rooms, which are let, furnished at so much per month, to the ‘pretty beer-slingers’ and their male companions.
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 2 June 1/1: A senior footballer vows vengeance on Curly Con, the soup-slinger [...] the sporting waiter is laps ahead of the muddied oaf for the girlie’s giggles.
[US]T.A. Dorgan in Zwilling TAD Lex. (1993) 74: It was the third act in the thrilling drama called ‘Susie the Soup Slinger’.
Greenwood Commonwealth (MS) 11 Dec. 4/2: Music Soup Slinger [...] When I wanted a cup of coffee [...] the musician was none other than the counter man.
[US]J. Smiley Hash House Lingo 6: a slang slinger urged on by appreciative audiences would be induced to bring forth all the fresh expressions his wits might concoct.
[US](con. 1948) G. Mandel Flee the Angry Strangers 435: Slinger! [...] Some coffee, if I may call it that.
Greenwood Commonwealth (MS) 2 Sept. 1/2: The Dish Washers [...] were leading the Soup Slingers [...] by two points.
[US]E. Hoagland Circle Home 9: She [...] was working in a restaurant [...] trying out as a hostess, no mere plate-slinger .

2. as sfx, denoting a variety of worker.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 29 Aug. 13/2: What price a staff captain’s ‘pidgin’ on some of the lines that carry coons as hash-, plate- and coal-slingers.
[US]J. Tully Jarnegan (1928) 84: Fellow dirt slingers – you’ve got nothing to lose but your pick and shovel – let’s all strike.
BObserver 24 July 🌐 There’s a rare and widespread artistic consensus that the previous paint slinger, a Frenchman called Nicolas poussin, had actually improved their appearance.

3. (UK Und.) one who passes forged notes .

[UK]P. Tempest Lag’s Lex. 192: slinger. One who passes counterfeit – ‘a slush slinger’.

4. (US Und., a drug dealer; thus S.Afr.) bum-slinger, a seller of second-rate drugs.

[SA]J. Matthews The Park and Other Stories (1983) 21: I never make any business wit’ all yer bum-slingers.
[US]King Tee & Mixmaster Spade ‘Ya Better Bring a Gun’ 🎵 But they took control, slingers walk real tall / While real down gangbangers write their set on the wall.
[US]Simon & Burns Corner (1998) 6: No touts, no slingers, no fiends on Mount Street.
[US]J. Stahl Plainclothes Naked (2002) 207: Tony copped from L’il Pepe all the time, so he naturally figured the slinger would be bitch-happy one of his best customers had some stuff for him.
[US]Simon & Price ‘All Due Respect’ Wire ser. 3 ep. 2 [TV script] You better watch out, ’cos the slingers out here, they’re like the crack babies’ babies.
[US]D. Winslow The Force [ebook] [T]he slingers and the gangs and the robbers and the rapists and the wiseguys, they don’t take time off to grieve.
[US]D. Winslow ‘Broken’ in Broken 11: This was going to be Oscar’s shot—to rise from the middle ranks of drug slingers to the top tier.