Green’s Dictionary of Slang

plugged in adj.

[electrical imagery]

1. abreast of the times, fashionable.

[US]G.V. Higgins At End of Day (2001) 79: Bob’s a really plugged-in guy — nothin’ major happens ’thout him knowin’ at least one guy that’s involved in it.

2. involved, connected; instinctively understanding.

[US]H.S. Thompson Hell’s Angels (1967) 159: Putting the word with a handful of bartenders, waitresses and plugged-in chicks who are known contacts.
[US](con. 1970) S. Wright Meditations in Green (1985) 95: Seated in his chair Holly was plugged in, he experienced radiance.
[US]C. Hiaasen Skin Tight 100: I’ve still got a few friends in town . . . I’m still plugged in.
[US]‘Grandmaster Flash’ Adventures 80: We were in the groove. And I was plugged in. I had a natural sense of where the two records were spinning. [...] Felt like I was plugged into my own system, electricity running through my veins.
[US]M.F. Armstrong They Wished They Were Honest 59: Our new informant presented himself as being well plugged in to the gypsy hierarchy.
[US]Woods & Soderburg I Got a Monster 105: Rayam wasn’t plugged in like Gondo, though.