Green’s Dictionary of Slang

snoek-town n.

[Du. snoek, the European pike (Esox lucius), in S.Afr. use usu. the snake mackerel (Thyrsites atun) + SE town; Cape Town was once the home of the snoek fishing and processing industry]

(S.Afr.) Cape Town.

[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald 19 Apr. 7/5: The Plague in Capetown [...] five cases have been reported in ‘Snoek-town’.
S. Afr. Survey Journal 116: It brought to his mind [the radio programme] ‘Snoek Town calling’.
[US]National Geographic Mag. 212: So much a feature of Capetown is this fish that a newspaper has a column of ‘Snoek Town’ news.