Green’s Dictionary of Slang

glad adj.

1. tipsy, drunk.

[US]B. Franklin ‘Drinkers Dictionary’ in Pennsylvania Gazette 6 Jan. in AS XII:2 91: They come to be well understood to signify plainly that A MAN IS DRUNK. [...] He’s Glad.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 19 Nov. 16/3: ‘Well, Jacky, which you like ’em best – brandy, rum or gin?’ [...] ‘Oh, I don’t care, boss, anyone, long as it makes ’em ‘GLAD’ come quick.’.

2. foolish; cheeky.

[US]C.L. Cullen Tales of the Ex-Tanks 117: ‘Don’t get glad with me,’ said the cop.
[US]‘Hugh McHugh’ John Henry 13: All the time I’m giving this glad speech I’m going down the line mentally to see who will give me quick action on a steam-heated touch.

In compounds

glad bag (n.) [play on tradename Glad Bags]

(US) a body bag.

(con. Vietnam) Van Devanter & Morgan Before Morning 88: Dead bodies in Glad bags were lined up outside the ER doors [HDAS].
[US]W.D. Ehrhart Passing Time (1988) 12: No more American boys coming home in Glad Bags to parents wanting to know what the fuck for.
glad lad (n.)

(US teen) an attractive boy.

[US]Yank (Far East edn) 24 Mar. 18/2–3: Some of today’s teen-agers – pleasantly not many – talk the strange new language of ‘sling swing.’ In the bright lexicon of the good citizens of tomorrow [...] A boy whose mug and muscles appeal to the girls is a ‘mellow man’, a ‘hunk of heartbreak’ or a ‘glad lad’.
glad money (n.)

(US Und.) money distributed by a gangster to ensure popular support in his local community.

C.S. Montanye ‘Tight Spot’ in Complete Stories 15 Sept. 🌐 Logan Taurus, the super-gangster who boasted his political affiliations and the huge amounts of ‘glad money’ he dispersed [...] would never allow a district attorney to confront him as he sat in a witness chair.
glad rag (n.) [the use of a proprietary Glad Bag for holding the liquid inhalant] (US drugs)

a rag soaked with an intoxicating chemical, the fumes of which one inhales.

[UK]J.B. Williams Narcotics and Hallucinogens 112: Glad rag — A piece of cloth saturated with glue or gasoline, usually a sock [HDAS].
[US]E.E. Landy Underground Dict. (1972).

In phrases

glad-time girl (n.) [var. on SE good-time, of a woman, promiscuous]

(W.I.) a promiscuous woman.

[WI]M. Thelwell Harder They Come 154: You can get six glad-time gal like her if you want.
on the glad end (adj.)

(US) in an advatangeous position.

A. Baer Rabid Rudolph 4 Dec. [synd. col.] His speciality is two tens for a five, with orville always on the glad end.