Green’s Dictionary of Slang

skivvy n.1

[presumably a var. on skibby n. (2), although citations put dates at variance]

1. a derog. term for a Japanese person.

[UK]J. Ware Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era.

2. a Japanese prostitute; also attrib.

[US](con. early 1950s) J. Peacock Valhalla 57: They’s some suckahachi houses up there and of course you got your skivvy shows and baths and massages. [Ibid.] 153 : You Chebe-san’s number-one skivvie honcho.
[US](con. c.1970) G. Hasford Phantom Blooper 143: A squad of Army pukes who are drunk, loaded with money, and out for a skivvy run to Beaver Cleaver’s popular steam and cream [...] in Sin City.

In compounds

skivvy house (n.) (also scivvie house)

a brothel.

[US]Mass. Review 4 483: ‘Don’t go wait up. Your boy is probably drunk in some skivvy-house’.
[US](con. 1969) M. Herr Dispatches 138: Mayhew got himself a little number [...] little chickie workin’ the scivvie houses.
[US]J. Webb Fields of Fire (1980) 256: He’s telling me you can get it every night in Da Nang. Says he could take me to five skivvy houses blindfolded.
[US]Anniston Star (AL) 21 Sept. 50/3: I thought of all the bar girls, all the skivvy houses, all the casual [...] assignations.
[US]Palm Beach Post (FL) 31 Oct. 14D/1: For pithy dialogue, you can’t beat [...] A Few Good Men (1992) [...] ‘You hit the beach, you swill beer, you take a taxi to the nearest skivvy house’.