Green’s Dictionary of Slang

charge v.1

[SE charge, to attack]

1. of either gender, to initiate or to have sexual intercourse.

[UK]Shakespeare Henry IV Pt 2 II iv: pist.: Then to you, Mistress Dorothy; I will charge you. dol.: Charge me! I scorn you, scurvy companion.
News from the New-Exchange (1731) 14: And she has one dangerous Trick; that if you will not charge her, she will charge you.
[UK]Mercurius Fumigosus 6 5 July 46: One of her Neighbours [...] opens against her thus: Goe, goe yee Whore, goe to Tower-hill, and get your GUN scowr’d ye Whore, before ye shal charge with my husbands Gunstick.
[US]B. Jackson Get Your Ass in the Water (1974) 129: Put you some pillows up under whore’s belly and then charge her asshole some. / Charge that bitch’s ass and charge it hard, / till the bitch no more can feel one slidin’ fart.

2. (US) to have a riotously good time.

[US]J.H. Beadle Undeveloped West 369: ‘Brad Collins is on a big spree [...]’ ‘You bet he’s a chargin’.’ [HDAS].

3. (US) to hold up (a bank) at gunpoint.

[US]Ersine Und. and Prison Sl.
[US]E. Anderson Thieves Like Us (1999) 48: If you boys want to charge a filling station I’m with you.
They Live By Night [film script] We got us a little bank in Cedars just itchin’ to be charged.
[US]E. Gilbert Vice Trap 56: You go help him charge his bank, if there even is one.

4. (US) to arouse sexually.

[US]Trimble 5000 Adult Sex Words and Phrases.
[US]J. Rechy Rushes (1981) 36: Chas separated himself from the two other men — to go, he said, fondling it, to ‘charge up’ his cock in one of the warehouses where men were lingering.
[US](con. early 1950s) J. Ellroy L.A. Confidential 187: She wasn’t bad in bed – but he had to think of Inez to charge up enthusiasm.

SE in slang uses

In phrases

charge like a wounded bull (v.)

(orig. Aus.) to ask for a large amount of money; to render a substantial bill.

[Aus]Smith & Noble Neddy (1998) 198: How much he was going to charge my friend was worrying me: [the policeman] was a big asker. He was good at fixing blues, you got just what you paid for, but I thought he was going to charge him like a wounded bull. 🌐 When waiters take your order, they are often trained to [...] get you to order all kinds of extras for which they can charge like a wounded bull.