Green’s Dictionary of Slang

roritorious adj.

also rorytorious
[roration n.]

happily, triumphantly noisy.

‘Picknickery’ in Vocal Mag. 99: Sure such a meeting, so very rorytorious, / As such a night, beats any sight I wish to see.
[UK]‘An Amateur’ Real Life in London I 241: Journeymen mechanics, with pipes in their mouths, some of them rather rorytorious.
[UK]‘Epistle from Joe Muggins’s Dog’ in Era (London) 21 Mar. 3/3: Well Guvnor we've ad a rory-tory sort o' who'd athortitweak at Warrik.
[US]E.L. Warnock ‘Terms of Approbation And Eulogy’ in DN IV:i 19: roritorious. Showy, dashing [...] ‘What a roritorious hat!’.